Monday, May 11, 2020

How To Tell Friends they Are Technically Heretics

The Greek word for hairesis (from which heresy is derived) was originally just a person who held ideas about the nature of the world, their place in it, and how to have a good life. Once organized religion spread, the term heresy began to convey a note of ... disenchantment. 

Combating heresy has been less important in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam. If you believe in free will, and if you feel you have a choice in which religion you choose, you might consider this the next time you go metaphysical shopping.

Returning to our friendly Guide to Dying Alone, if this is not the outcome in life that you seek, you may instead wish to consider telling your friends that they are amazing, that they are multi-talented and super funny. Even if they have a dark, depressing, cynical perspective on life, whatever you do, don't tell them.

Do not say things like, "You're so dull I really just want to go have a bowl of cereal now."

Do not say, "I'm sorry I walked away. I got tired of listening."

Do not say, "You really haven't a clue why your answer is wrong, do you?"

Statements like this go over like lead balloons.

Let's face it, if you say anything that even remotely hints at displeasure, you'll end up living the rest of your life at home in sweatpants, eating pizzas, bagels, and/or pizza bagels for the rest of your days.

Think, Covid 2.0 -- FOREVER.

If, on the other hand, you do wish to become an anti-social hermit; if at a certain point in life attending parties became more of a chore than a reward; if there was no element of surprise; if every gathering felt like it was identical to the one that came before it, you might enjoy speaking your mind. This is called: lowering the veil and calling it the way you see it.

You know the risks. You decide.

DISCLAIMER: No specific heretical philosophies were rejected in the writing of this post. This is an example of Sardonic Wit, but the author decided to write something rando about it - instead of leaving well enough alone. Yes, rando is a lame slang word, but such is life. This blog is filled with such nonsense. If you don't believe me, you may be a heretic.

"When metaphysical shopping, always choose philosophies rich in heresy." 
~Chris S.

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