Friday, May 8, 2020

2020 Disclaimer for Happy Thoughts Travel Fast

SOPH LAUGH ~~ conceived in the Summer of Love and born shortly after the modern environmental movement that is now called Earth Day was celebrated; transferred her consciousness into an R46™ Robotic Life Form® in the year 2057.

... Nearly half of the world's baby boomers had already paved the way to becoming Robotic. It also marked the year when a new generation of machines began to evolve, based on carbon nanotubes, detecting the tiniest magnetic fields, including the ones that didn't even want to be in the vicinity, and who secretly wished they had instead chosen to incarnate as pretty daffodils in the countryside. 

... Born to Cro-hipster parents who lived down the street from a Catholic Cathedral and across town from a Buddhist Retreat 
(where her grandmother, in a legend of absolute authenticity, was a nurse, a professional chef, and a beautiful lass with a mind for numbers, beat Old Man Gallo at a game of poker, winning from him a large piece of land located along the shores of South Lake Tahoe, which she promptly sold for a boatload of money, and with it, elevated the entire family to a fancy new distinction they liked to call "old money" - which also according to legend, they buried for safekeeping, somewhere in Northshore, only no one could remember precisely where),
... she showed a propensity for taking her own sweet time to get things done. 

... Perhaps because of her daydreamy, laissez-faire approach to life, it might not be surprising that her greatest contributions were in the field of avoiding enlightenment. Soph found the path to enlightenment terribly accurate and did her very best to avoid it by offering a set of vague excuses, which she later translated into a profound statistical science enabling consciousness transfer. 

... The best existing authority we have for the relevant things she considered before her breakthrough invention is this blog, Happy Thoughts Travel Fast, written by Soph, in her library. The key to deciphering this blog lies in ... 

... Knowing how to read it. 


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