Saturday, May 28, 2011

Is It Sunday Yet?

All I've done today is entertain myself with random blog postings on quantum stuff. I'd like to think that in doing so I've deployed my budding gift as a philosophical humorist to explain the wider significance and motive of what was narrated. I'd like to think that my use of satire, parody, and irony; my ability to shift effortlessly from factual statements to cleverly observed description; my burgeoning command of language to create effect - all enable me to turn humorous events and analysis into a seamless and compelling narrative. 

If not, oh well, I tried. 

Now, while I find it difficult to believe anyone apart from a select one would be interested in taking a shot at quantum gravity theory just for the heck of it, I'll continue to ramble on about this subject because I just haven't finished saying my peace on the whole matter at hand. 

Vibrations or manifestations act upon what Einstein called the fabric of space, causing a polarization, which is a condition of opposites. One pole is pure energy without vibration or motion. The other pole is pure energy (the same energy) in a state of maximum vibration or motion. Because the negative pole (void) appears to be first in order, it could be considered the first state. 

The second state is held by the first state (void, for those of you not paying attention) or fabric of space. This means that the second state as a polar opposite could be contained in the center or inside of (be it infinite or finite) the first state. 

All matter as we know it is made up of small particles called atoms. Atoms are made up of smaller particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons. You know, the stuff your Jr. High School Science teacher loved to go on and on about. Well, anyhow, protons and neutrons are composed of even smaller particles called quarks. (While quarks were theorized in 1964 and discovered in 1968, I don't remember reading a thing about them while I was in school). Inside the center of the atom exists the nucleus (apparently every 5th grader knows this). Electrons orbit the nucleus (motion). Quantum mechanics describes the electrons as occupying regions of greater probability density called orbitals (versus being held by gravity or an electromagnetic force as originally described in classical mechanics, which just so happens to be the name of a course I never took). While we view the three dimensional world through our senses, we don't actually see, smell, taste, touch, or sense the majority of vibratory wavelengths present in the material realm. Shucks. Instead, our brains transmit chemicals in response to vibrations and wavelengths. 

Brief commercial break for a moral lesson: 

If you don't like the channel you're watching, switch it. 


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