Saturday, May 28, 2011

Heisenberg May Have Been Here

Anyone accidentally clicking on this link in the hopes of finding a good joke or more on the theory of humor should instead click on one of my earlier links or fast forward to another section of this blog as this post is part of a continuing discussion that began with the Consciousness Whisperer, namely welcoming those few geniuses who feel the need to take in the entire universe in a succinct glance in order to put the whole existence business behind them and focus entirely on the philosophy of humor. 

If, however, you're one of those geniuses determined to merely see something to its ultimate conclusion, I assume that like me, you have either environmentally created or inherited some OCD tendencies in which case I'd highly recommend you contact Dr. Jeffrey M. Schwartz as it would appear, after having read his book, that he seems to have more than half a clue as to what's going on and could potentially treat you so you don't ever suffer from reading a blog posting this long ever again. I believe he can still be contacted at the UCLA School of Medicine. 

Now, where was I? Oh yes, a compulsion overcame me that interrupted my train of thought because I felt I had to show you how to find Orion's Nebula in the night sky. 

Moving on, a wavelength is a physical manifestation of the void and exists with polarities. Material wavelengths, as seen in this world, are the motion of outward expansion, and at their core, represent the polar expression of the void. 

In Einstein's theory of general relativity, the geometry of space and time is not fixed. Rather, it is a dynamical entity whose evolution must be determined in concert with the evolution of matter. The absence of an externally prescribed geometry is known as the principle of background independence (the void). 

Apart from general relativity, the other pillar of modern physics is quantum theory, which says that the laws of nature are subject to Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle. Since matter is subject to the laws of quantum theory, since Einstein's equations relate to matter and geometry, and since this distortion of geometry corresponds, in Einstein's theory, to gravity, it is clear that gravity must be described quantum theoretically as well. 

While gravity may appear to be a simple subject, the premise that it must be constructed in quantum terms is evidence that we have not fully understood the complexities of matter's full range of polar expression. 

Unfortunately, a quantum gravity theory is actually difficult to construct. I'll leave you with that thought today and share a few more thoughts on the matter once I've rebooted my brain with some mindless television (i.e, I'm tired and I'm taking a break). 


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