Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Truth and Beauty

The books that help you most are those which make you think the most. The hardest way of learning is that of easy reading; but a great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty.
~Pablo Neruda

Lost Ship

Truth and beauty are of vital significance (like pain and pleasure) and are awakened by the rhythms that arouse our receptive sensibility and prepare it to react in a special, intended way. Once aroused our entire experiential system is activated. 

The natural emotions do not reverberate alone; they enter, sometimes softly, sometimes vehemently into the network of our sentiments, which activate our imagination, our ideas, and our values. Sometimes they arouse us to levels barely perceptible, even to our keen radar; sometimes they evoke within us the unfolding of an entire work of foreboding art. 

Dwa światy

Truth and beauty, pleasure and pain, are filtered through our most intimate of personal tastes: inclinations, tendencies, imaginings, ideals, and moral sentiments. They flow through us, but their imprint upon our biological mechanism is coarse, and leaves behind a vital mesh intimately woven between the flesh and our existence of the world. 

Zła Królowa

One might think Truth and Beauty stand apart from each other, but it is precisely where the focal points of their joint association come together that they expand outward. Standing on the precipice of eternity, on the furthermost side of our essence's abyss, hover over a ridge looking out over the horizon intuiting only that distance that separates one from one's own thoughts ... we see

Truth often feels like life's most crudest of realisms. Alone it depicts life as a mere factual reality, but with Beauty's mirror, truth's inner core is revealed, and reality expands, transforming in its wake those filters that encompass our multiple spheres of reality into a moving sentiment of spirit. The spirit in harmony with its truth respects established patterns and inner laws of reality proper to drive forth the mechanism toward acquiring life. 

Księżycowe Miasto

Lightly suspended, hanging from the lyrical cord of reason, is a quiet essence apart from the civilization of thoughts we carry forth through this sea of existence. It is precisely herein where we encounter those inner truths that can be harmoniously expressed through all sensible encounters, either expressed or sent our way by others. 

Protecting this silent sound in the wake of a tempest modulates and transforms the spectrum of receptive sensibilities toward innermost acceptance and resignation, joy over the order of things, and reconciliation. Here we are creative with our emotions, feelings and sentiments. Here we reach back toward the highest elations of metaphysical experience where we might soothe the pain-redeeming process and set it free, back on the path toward those lyrical chords that resound throughout reality; the ones most natural and most lovely amid Eternity's selections are the ones I choose to see. 

Bez tytułu

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