Monday, December 23, 2013

Unification of Parallel (Dual) Processing

The difficulties associated with negotiating the complexities of everyday social, professional, or personal life could be optimized by devising modern-day tools that allow us to logically and rationally analyze judgments and decisions of both a heuristic as well as a rational nature. 

Examining our forecasts, any overconfidences we might have, as well as our optimism regarding the results of any given decision, are important steps in exhibiting coherent thinking ~ an activity not always best left to initial, at first blush or surface-level natural assessments. 

We can anchor and then adjust our thoughts and therefore augment the strategies we employ in making complex decisions. The questions we ask ourselves provide us with a methodology whereby our thinking becomes more transparent, allowing for easier adjustments rather than the irrationalities that sometimes accompany common compensation coping techniques such as second guessing, jumping in too quickly, or abandoning a specific trajectory all together rather than just analyzing and adjusting the original strategy based on relevant inputs. 

Successful ideas and decisions need not always be "timely" or even "lucky" but rather worked and reworked until they work. Insights are often "sparked" by seeing our ideas outside of our minds in the battlefield of existence, so to speak. 

Taking our subroutines into consideration allows us to more fully analyze and associate values to actions, thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors that may or may not be in our best interest, with our "best interest" being that which each individual determines essential to their survival, well-being, optimal health, optimal performance, overall satisfaction with life, happiness, and enthusiasm, drive, or passion for any given subject or sensory experience. 

The thoughts and feelings that often times persuade us to act or think otherwise are those that arise from our ascribing more importance to the rationalizations or biases of others than to our own natural or heuristically-experienced feelings on the matter. 

While the combination of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination can benefit our ability to quickly and more effectively anchor our thoughts and thus decisions in an efficient and often times prognostic way, limiting authenticity to sheer numbers or statistics limits our understanding as well as future opportunities for growth that arise from collaborative understanding and shared effort. 

Non-optimal reasoning can affect our lives in a variety of adverse ways; from not getting the education we need to pursue our dreams to getting the wrong type of early childhood message that can delay or cause us to forgo our dreams in lieu of something "more important". 

'Missing out' on lost opportunities can haunt the human mind for years, to the point that confidence suffers, doubt and concern set in, overcompensations occur, and/or stagnation ensues as a result of feeling paralyzed or 'stuck in a rut'. 

Modern-day human beings are the living embodiment of our thoughts on living. These thoughts become the narratives we tell ourselves and that define our lifestyles, well-being, and ultimately our success and level of happiness. 

In some cases, these non-optimal thoughts and their resulting decisions can lead to mental health disorders, financial difficulties and social instability, or even death. 

Thus, the urgency and necessity in devising a system by which we might optimize our decisions. 

Happy Holidays and happy thinking...


Excerpt from my notebook: Le Livre d'Amour de l'Orient (Quatrième Partie)

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