Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Call It What You Will

Like Che, Sophy’s mind was on fire with insight and inspiration as if possessed. She had a gift for lyricism, a powerful grasp of dialectical logic, was extremely learned, and wrote feverishly. A prodigious writer who from age fourteen to age forty wrote some 20,000 pages of journals, as well as thousands of poems, dozens of unpublished novels, hundreds of professional works, and thousands of articles, which spanned many categories, including philosophy, theology, humorous literature, psychology, literary criticism, and fiction.  

            Despite a propensity for writing, Sophy had not published “a full-length book” of any significance for she was of the belief that she did not have anything truly interesting to say that had not already been said or that couldn’t be figured out by someone else.

            Besides this belief, Sophy was also struck by the notion that one might not be able to overcome the laws of nature. In which case, any work she completed might ultimately end up blown to smithereens when the inevitable fireball of radiation consumes the multiverse in yet another cosmological occurrence. In this case, Sophy considered the hours spent formatting a book as futile; thus instead preferring to post her essentially inconsequential, frivolous accounts of the natural universe under the guise of humor in a blog that makes its way around the Internet by riding a beam of light on a fiber-optic cable. Depending on the path traveled, some of this humor loses its meaning by the time it reaches around the globe due to light signal degradation.

            Calling this reticence to publish what you will, Sophy continued to write for what she claimed was a desire to entertain herself and others, as well a need to cure her own “learnedness”.  She also secretly wrote, though she has admitted it publicly so it is not all that secret, in an effort to preserve as many fragments of her consciousness as possible. Whether or not she lives long enough to have that consciousness transferred into a longer-lasting or upgraded biomechanical mechanism (or whether these writings will held in a temporary virtual vessel for later reconstitution into a future, presently undefined mechanism) is currently unknown, but she is obviously of the belief that something in that blonde head of hers should be downloaded, saved, and transferred further on into the cosmicsphere irrespective of its ultimate 

            These are exactly the types of thoughts Soph found humorous, often times leading her to a place where she intellectually stumbled upon questions like, “If we are held in a system, what is holding the system together?”

            Not having answers to these questions, Sophy returned to the notion that she does not and cannot know the true nature of the universe. Then, amazingly and seemingly out of nowhere, a chorus starring Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Kierkegaard, Descartes, and The Chemical Brothers sang her a song:

Song Lyrics:

I live my life now different
Then how destiny wrote.
I gave up most of my creature comforts,
I might just go broke.
But I don't worry about that
Cause i found an exit code.
From monotony, boredom, dullness, and drab
All the things that brought me down and left me sad.

I have a new catchphrase
Three simple words
That you can sing
If you find yours...

I did it! I did it! I did it!
Feels so much better than I want to do it
I hope to do it
I dream of doing it ... someday.

I live my life now different
Than how destiny wrote.
I got up
And filled my thoughts with hope.
I don't worry about all that stuff
That kept me from finding my exit code
From monotony, boredom, dullness and drab
All the things that bring us down and leave us sad.

I have a new catchphrase
Three simple words
That you can sing
When you find yours...

I did it! I did it! I did it!
Feels so much better than I want to do it
I hope to do it
I dream of doing it ... someday

I live my life now different
Than how destiny wrote
I'm off on an adventure now
My heart has spoke.
I don't stress over the simple stuff
Cause I found an exit code
From monotony, boredom, dullness and drab
All the things that brought me down and left me sad

I am now a new person
With a fancy new catchphrase
Three simple words
That can mix your life up in unexpected ways…

I did it! I did it! I did it!
Feels so much better than I want to do it.
I hope to do it.
I dream of doing it... someday.

Cause today's that day!
While it lasts.

In what seems like just another random post, Sophy again turned her gaze from trying to answer the unanswerable to that which she needed to know about herself and the world in order to make the most out of the time she had here.

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