Sunday, April 7, 2013

Raising Funny Kids 36: The Nomadic Vision

The nomadic vision carries us across many thresholds towards destinations that offer novel, unpredictable experiences. It is images, not linguistic propositions, that are part and parcel to the very creation of concepts. 

The explication (analyze and develop an idea or principle in detail) of non-linguistic signs, such as memories and images, introduce new learning opportunities for the mind. 

While the educated traveler researches locations prior to exploring them, there's an element of discovery that must be left to "chance encounter" for the nomadic explorer if a true "nomadic" vision is to emerge. 

Our brains have long-since created, understood, and deciphered signs and hieroglyphs. Learning is a means of unfolding the elements inherent in these visual signs. A nomadic-approach to learning is a progressive exploration of signs and their significance to ourselves and our ever-changing place in the world. 

Deleuze suggests that genuine education proceeds through a deregulation of the senses and a shock that compels thought against its will to go beyond its ordinary operations. 

The relationship between novel visual input and reward-based pedagogy opens up conventional sequences of images and texts and their subsequent re-assemblage of the disparate components in productively disruptive juxtapositions, which fail to foster creativity and much as they fail to generate solutions to problems we encounter in everyday life. 

Travel offers infinite learning that differentiates itself by its inherent condition of possibility rather than by its inherent challenges. Learning is a process of immersing oneself in a problem and then seeking out various questions and solutions that the problem makes available to thought. Closing off minds within the confines of four walls might be the orthodox educational solution to our need for "babysitters" but it does not satisfy us as individuals, young or old. Children complain that school is "boring" and parents complain that their children are not learning about the things that "really matter." 

In a world of overworked parents, how do we make time to travel, much less afford the trips? The answer does not lie in traveling to exotic locations as much as it does in the Nomadic Vision: 


The inherent nature of discovery is the finding out of information. The unearthing of artifacts. The uncovering of truth's concealed. The realization of a new culture. The recognition of a new methodology. The revelation of your own approach to learning. The disclosure of a hidden document. The invention of a new gadget. The origination of a new idea. The devising of a schedule or itinerary. The pioneering of a new way of thinking. The finding of a new route to school. The breakthrough of a new way of thinking or seeing the world. 

The Nomadic plane of impermanence forces us to escape entrapment in rigid boundary conditions in the space of education. 

Have suitcase will travel...

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