Monday, November 12, 2012

The White Knight Syndrome

Ah! Je vois clair dans mon cœur,” declares Silvia in Le Jeu de l’amour et du hazard (1730). This spontaneity and naturalness, pliability, and adaptability highlight the various shades of truth and the nuances found in beauty. These expressions are portrayed in the theatre belonging to the White Knight who searches for truth and beauty found in the happiness of his spectators.

In the role of White Knight, spontaneity, improvisational skills, wits, rhythm, and liveliness transforms into harmonious movements, skilled gestures, and experimental mimicry.  These natural abilities allow the White Knight to choose from a universe of sensations and emotions that rise from the mastered body.

A skilled spectator recognizes this creative orchestration and compliments it with spoken and unspoken words, expanding the encounter beyond social codes to a depiction of the intentions behind all thoughts and actions.

A White Knight’s sword of truth pierces deep. By nature of honor and bravery, a White Knight illustrates the disparity between the role he plays and the real expression that is his own by being willing to share in the pain that truth and justice cause. Never censoring himself from any moral message he has endeavored to deliver, the White Knight courageously stands ready to face and endure any and all pain associated with the act of testing the existence of purity and truth.

No matter what danger lie ahead, the White Knight will remain steadfast unless a final blow causes him to act or think in any way contrary to his instinctive feelings and reason. What emerges then is a new internal struggle between right and wrong. In the face of shared self-discovery, a White Knight courageously holds onto his values, heroically challenging them as well as infinity in right the face. 

If resolution cannot be found, a White Knight bows and admits defeat. In admiration of all truth, he embodies the look and tone of a gallant, courteous, and respectful simpleton. When viewed through blind eyes, this behavior appears cowardly. When recognized, this behavior is a revealing glimpse into the refinements of being.

The White Knight is a natural product of the social life. Wearing the mask of gentility and politeness, a White Knight’s inspiration comes from his own ability to inspire honest interaction.

Despite being surrounded by admirers, a White Knight is often alone. This is probably because they’re an absolute pain in the a** to be around. I mean really, all this truth and justice nonsense. Give it a rest, why don’tcha. Who died and made you in charge of all that is good in the world? Nobody likes a know-it-all. Mind your own business for a change. If you’re so perfect, prove it.

Then he does. Again. And you’re like, “Dammit.”

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