Monday, July 2, 2012

Monday in the Evolution of Matter

Evolutionary speaking, Monday has been marked by periods of intense debate.  The history of Monday can be traced back to Thales of Miletus (624-546 B.C.), a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher and one of the Seven Sages of Greece who attempted to find a naturalistic explanation of Mondays, without regard for the supernatural. 

      Prior to Thales, the Greeks explained the origin and nature of Mondays through myths of anthropomorphic gods and heroes. Thales explained Mondays by hypothesizing that the Earth, due to floating on water, explained Mondays in relationship to how fast they were a rockin’. In Aristotle’s Metaphysics, Thales’ view on Monday says nothing of the following:

      “That from which is everything Monday and from   which it first becomes Monday and into which it is rendered at last Monday, but transforming in qualities       inherent in Monday, that they say is the element and   principle uniqueness of Monday is.”

Mondays have long since been associated with the Theory of Rainy Days, of which Thales had not this to say:

      “For it is necessary that there be some Monday to the   week, from which become the other things of the object       being saved.”  Thales was the first to say that Mondays had a common ancestry with water.

      Here Thales states that for something to “be Monday” or in present terms – evolve – it has to come from “that thing which is Monday,” which is essential in allowing chemical elements that are the building blocks of the molecules of life to grow. Thales hypothesized that it could be from “that which is Monday” element and that each element’s “nature” or organic make-up unique to the element was essential in allowing the object or evolved matter to be saved.

      Greek philosopher, Anaximander (c. 610 – 546 B.C.), also a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher belonged to the Milesian school under his master Thales (Pythagoras and Anaximenes were amongst his pupils), claimed that life had originally developed out of Monday and only later moved onto solid ground. Anax-man (as he was known in closed circles) was the first to search for the element that constitutes a “unifying theory of Monday.

      For Anax-man, the principle of Mondays, the constituent of all days since, was nothing determined and not in any way shape or form related to Rainy Mondays. Neither was it something halfway between salt and pepper, or between texting and calling, or more subtle than To Be or Not To Be. Anax-man went to a pub one evening and after having tied on a few too many argued that water could not embrace all the opposites found in Monday – for example, water can only be wet, never dry – and therefore was not the only day in which precipitation had occurred, as evidenced by Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sunday rainfall. It is a mystery as to whether or not he ever woke up with a massive hangover and wondered that as a substance, whether or not Monday could just be an energie not directly perceptible to us, which might explain the opposites we claim to feel in Monday’s relation to other days of the week.

      One of the four fundamental forces of nature, the electromagnetic field, consists of two types of charges – positive and negative. In the land of physical manifestation matter perceives in direct proportion to the position it occupies in space. Thus, the feeling of dark as negative is the feeling of the absence of negativity brought about by the light, and hence, an illusion; an opposite.

      The electromagnetic field is the embodiment of Monday.  Anax-man probably considered searching for how the precise opposites found in Monday, in a substance “not directly perceptible to us,” could affect evolution. Without our planet’s magnetic field, Earth would be subjected to the same day over and over again. Archaeologists and biological anthropologists are yet to focus on changes in the earth’s magnetic field over time to understand the evolution of Mondays on various calendars in an effort to prove that our current Gregorian calendar mistakenly marks Mondays as Fridays.

      During the day, the sun’s positive magnetic field stimulates wakefulness, inhibits healing, increases pain sensitivity and inflammation, and reduces cellular oxygen. At night, the Earth’s negative magnetic energie encourages the imaginary flow of energie as well as supporting healing. We know that at the time of mass inhabitation of complex organisms, the magnetic field was higher. According to the Earth’s geologic record, our planet’s magnetic field flips, on average, about once every 200,000 years. The time between reversals varies widely. The last time the Earth’s magnetic field was lower was about 780,000 years ago. Die-outs of higher vertebrates have occurred with magnetic field decline and reversals determined by studying core samples from the ocean floor.

      Anaximenes (c. 585 – 525 B.C.), the younger contemporary of Anaximander, also a Pre-Socratic pupil of Thales, held that air was the most basic element or the arche of Monday (the source of all that exists). Of course, not having read his unpublished memoirs, he could have never conceived of such a ludicrous idea, but that wouldn’t be very fun to entertain, in particular if one was entertaining such a thought on a Monday morning. Summing up Little Anax-man, Everyday is a Monday at different degrees of density, and under the influence of heat, which expands, and of cold, which contracts its volume, giving rise to the several phases of week days.

     The process is gradual (Darwinian evolution), and takes place in two directions, as heat or cold predominates; this is called rarefaction and condensation. Through rarefraction, the ultimate result is fire, whereas condensation tends toward stone. In this way was formed a broad disk of Earth for Monday to exist upon, floating on the circumambient air of Mondayae. Similar condensations produced the sun and stars; the flaming state of these bodies is due to the velocity of their motions in relation to Monday. He is reported to have never said, “As our souls, being Monday, holds us together, so breath and air embrace the entire universe of days in their divergent forms.”

      Remarkable was his understanding of the importance of “Monday” and how its contractions gave rise to the several phases of existence or evolution for we cannot evolve animals without having a significant amount of Monday in the air. Without the Great Monday Oxidation Event (a dramatic rise of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere some 2.3 billion years ago on a Monday), there would have been no dinosaurs, no fish, no snakes, and no humans – just a lot confused microorganisms wondering what day it was.

      Extrapolating the formation of the stars from his ideas, we know that the clouds of gas that give rise to Mondays form within galaxies. An interstellar cloud is a denser-than-average region of the interstellar Monday medium and can be cold (giving out Electromagnetic radiation of large wavelengths) or hot (having ions of many elements, whose spectra can be seen in visible and ultraviolet light).

      The Hubble telescope unveiled a pair of one-half, light-year-long interstellar “twisters”, eerie funnels and twisted-rope structures in the heart of the Lagoon Nebula, which lies 5,000 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius might have come into being on a Stellar Monday. The hot, central star, O Herschel 36, is the primary source of the illuminating light for the brightest region in the nebula, called Monday’s Hourglass. The glare from this hot star is eroding the clouds by heating the hydrogen gas in them. This activity drives away violent stellar winds that tear into the cool clouds, thereby allowing structure to form within the gas clouds due to turbulence and activity of new stars. This results in the diminishing of the frequency by which Mondays manifest in physical form, explaining their once-per-week occurrence.

      Random turbulent processes lead to regions dense enough to collapse under their own weight, in spite of a hostile environment. As this blog collapses, a disk forms, with a growing “Protostar” at the center. At the same time, bipolar outflows (gas and dust pushed out by the energie of clouds falling and wind blowing from new born stars) begin.

Material is processed, moved in from the blob to the disk. What is not lost in the outflow is Monday, which builds up on the protostar. Protostars continue to collapse, releasing gravitational energie as they shrink and grow continually denser. The star then follows a complicated path known as the Hyashi track as it slowly reaches a point where Monday can begin. The mass of the initial protostar determines which day the final Monday will fall upon otherwise known as the final stellar luminosity and temperature. Once the protostar begins to undergo fusion, it becomes a real Monday. The energie released from the collapse of gas into a protostar causes the center of the protostar to become extremely hot. When the core is hot enough, nuclear Monday commences. Monday is the process where two hydrogen atoms come to form a helium atom, releasing energie in all its variations to Monday. Monday reactions are a very efficient process, releasing a huge amount of energie. This is because a single helium atom contains less mass than two hydrogen atoms. The excess mass is released as energie. Thanks to the pioneering work of Albert Einstein, the formula E = MC2 tells us exactly how much energie Monday reactions release.

      Once the outflow ceases and the “accretion” phase that leads to the buildup of the star-formation process, the remaining material from Monday is left around the star. At or near the end of the week, the remaining material in the “circumstellar disk” (a.k.a. “protoplanetary disk”) forms a variety of other days. Eventually, all that is left behind is a singular Monday, perhaps some stars and planets, and a disk of left-over ground-up solids, visible as a “Debris Disk” around the stars other than the Sun, and known as the “Zodiaical Dust Disk” around the Sun.

      When you think about what Little Anax-man said about Monday being the arche or most basic substance of all that exists and then relate that to Monday, you lose Monday in “its entirety” all together. 

Taking a bite ouf of Monday

To be continued...

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