Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sophy's Song

Sophy's Song

Everyone has a story to tell. Wouldn't it be nice to have a theme song to go along with it?

My song is called Enjoyment. It was written exclusively for me by Scott Kalechstein Grace, the Jimmy Buffet - Eckhart Tolle singer, songwriter, performer who takes components of our lives and weaves them into a lyrical portrait as unique as the person for whom he sings them. 

The remarkable thing about having a Song Portrait created for you is that Scott composes it on the spot. Your story literally unfolds right before your ears. In a discussion about your life, your hopes, your dreams, or even your challenges, Scott takes key words and intuitively adds in, with some astonishing clarity, the missing notes to carry the tune. 

I derive enjoyment from many things in life, from raising my children, to succeeding in my career, from my travels, and from my explorations into humor and other subjects. Enjoyment encapsulates my life's theme and how it looks and feels today, not tomorrow, not yesterday, but this moment right here, right now. 

You know how you can hear a song and it can take you back to a special time in your life? That's what Scott does for people with his Song Portraits. While other singers can do that for us, no song can take the place of our own song. I think everyone deserves their own song, and Scott's the man to make it! 

My grandmother fell in love with my grandfather during the Swing Era with Harry James, Tommy Dorsey, and Sinatra.  "Their song", as she called it, was "The Way You Look Tonight".

When my grandmother heard this song, she'd stop whatever she was doing and get this "look" in her eyes. Sinatra's song seemed to transport her back to the day when a very handsome Navy Officer asked her to a dance in San Francisco. Sinatra's song was the last song played that night, and my grandmother told me that she knew that he knew, and he knew that she knew, that they'd spend the rest of their lives together - and fortunately for me, they did. 

My song isn't my grandmother's love song, but it does capture my love of life, my love of family, and my love of good humor. Who doesn't dream of having their own theme song? Scott takes that "me-too" feeling we have inside us and gives it back nicely packaged in a song so that someday everybody might know our name

Contact Sophy Laughing or Scott Kalechstein Grace 
for your very own Song Portrait today! 

Because everyone deserves a great theme song to go with their life. 

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