Thursday, November 3, 2011

Sophy's Mailbag 3

Dear Sophy, 

I was feeling rather bummed one day and happened to click on one of your stick figure drawings from Sophy Laughing Comics. I was mesmerized by how elegant a stick figure could be. 

Anyhow, I clicked on the link to your blog and read your post on Surreal Humor, which I have to say was quite intriguing. Then, I clicked on a few other posts like UFO Spotting for Fun (I laughed so hard; I'm still wondering whether or not you truly believe in UFO's), Medical Jokes, and Puppies for Peace

But when I clicked on Raising Funny Kids, your message really hit home. Your focus on humor, something I either ignored or took for granted, is actually causing people (me) to question humor. And you're doing it in a really pleasant, and sometimes, downright funny way. 

Your investigations aren't trifle, they're poignant and thought-provoking, not to mention the images and the softness of your page. There's nothing (except for that little ad at the end of the post, maybe) that feels offensive. There's no advertisements, no harassing pop-up windows, and no requests for money. It is almost as if you're writing about humor for fun of it. 

Whatever your true purpose, and for whatever it's worth, I really enjoy reading your posts. Every Saturday, I sit down with my coffee and read one or two of your posts. It's like being in a candy store with free samples. I almost feel guilty, like I should buy something. 

Since I came here for the stick figures, I was wondering if you're planning on opening a stick figure store. I'd love to have one of your stick figures on my morning coffee cup. I'm hoping you'll find my letter (I read Sophy's Mailbag 2), and take my suggestion to heart. That might be a way of giving back for all your wonderful thoughts you've taken time to share with the world. I'm sure someone important will find your blog before too long. In that case, my stick figure coffee cup might become a collector's item some day! 

Thanks for all you do,

Justine S., Vermont

Dear Justine S.,

Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm happy you like the Stick Figures. I like them, too! My  mother wasn't so certain about them, but she said that they were growing on her. A few weeks ago, she said that she just loved them. In fact, she, like you, likes the dancing ones best. I drew them, but it was my lovely, very talented 15-year old daughter who animated them for me and brought them to life. So, I'll pass along your compliments to her, too. 

As a matter of fact, I am planning to open a Stick Figure Store. I'm hoping to "launch" it before Christmas. When I do, I will gladly send you an autographed Stick Figure Coffee Cup as a token of my gratitude for your amazing letter. I'm happy to know that you are enjoying my exploration into humor. 

I have no gimmicks. There's no donate button. No advertisements, except for that little Amazon thing. I actually put it there because I thought it might be of value. I don't like being bombarded by advertisements, which is why I only have this one. It's fun and I like the feeling of discovering new products that I don't intentionally search for.

Anyhow, I am posting your lovely letter and thank you sincerely for writing me. I do receive a few emails each day, to which I usually respond via email. It was just recently, as you probably know, that I began posting some of them. It is with great pride and humility that I post yours. 

Thank you and happy reading! 


PS: With respect to your inquiry regarding my belief in UFO's: 
My formal position statement reads as follows: 

While I did attempt to determine whether or not certain actions would result in a sighting, alas, I did not see a UFO (perhaps they have cloaking devices installed in their ships). 

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