Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nietzsche NanoBalloons

At the risk of displeasing innocent ears, 
I submit that egoism belongs
to the essence of a noble soul...
and has its basis in the balloons...


If you see in this concept the picture of a selfish, egotistical, unscrupulous and self-serving individual, you're not alone. However, Nietzche Corporation has just announced the most revolutionary energie twister the world has ever seen! 

Announcing for the first time ever...


Nietzsche NanoBalloons magically transform the energie of Niezsche's sentiment from the old, outdated, limited, grayish viewpoint and reshapes it into the simple understanding that the ego transforms itself in the presence of any new energie. The judgment is not based on whether the self is better or worse than the energie encountered, the judgment simply tells the ego which shape to assume... 

In this respect, energie shows ego the pathway to harmony...

Nietzsche NanoBalloons 
come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and materials...

From the enigmatic Mona Lisa

From when Dinosaurs roamed the earth...

From Whistler's Mother...

From Biel's American Gothic...

From Shakespeare's Midsommer Nights Dreame...

From Twilight...

From Military Operations...

Make Balloons Not War...

From Inventions not yet discovered...

Nietzsche NanoBalloons 
Are engineered from carbon nanotube technology by our underground scientists in the land of windmills...

Nietzsche NanoBalloons detect breaks in energie and adjust the users ego frequency to match harmoniously to new energie frequencies. 

Nietzsche's patented NanoBalloon design begins with the "blackest black" NanoBalloon - the darkest known material, reflecting only 0.045 percent of all light shined on it. 

Once the NanoBalloon mixture is complete, 
Nietzsche's secret coded messages are uploaded, 
which naturally and geometrically bond themselves along the nanotube
resulting in a smart, carbon-carbon bond that is very robust, moldable, and resistant to external deformation. The intelligence of Nietzsche's NanoBalloons is one that allows them to morph from metallic to semiconducting energie detectors, which signal the receiving brain, which in turn, adjust to energie fluctuations. 

No matter which kind of energie Niezsche's NanoBalloons encounter, their self-adjusting properties accurately and instantaneously send messages to the receiver revealing its core energie, despite the proximity of other energie strands. In this way, Nietzsche's NanoBalloons get to the heart of the matter without having to wade through the fluff...

Niezsche's NanoBalloons separate energie strands into coherently categorized concepts allowing the user full-overcoming-of-one's-self-functionality. Having full-overcoming-of-one's-self-functionality results in the recognition that all are obeying others until they command themselves. 

This is the earliest rendering of a Nietzsche NanoBalloon. 
The balloon was accompanied with the following notation: 

"Commanding is more difficult than obeying...
for my NanoBalloons open a closed pathway
resulting in clarity,
clarity which bears the burden of all those who do obey,
in the respect that their balloons could easily burst...

Nietzsche's NanoBalloons hold a lot of promise for the development of global understanding. "One Niezsche NanoBalloon creates a transistor that is only one nanometer wide," says Leo. "This makes it possible, in principle, to achieve very high densities compared with the current state of the art." 

What does that mean? 

It means that field emission properties of Niezsche NanoBalloons are super exciting and can pierce through other less exciting balloons because they can sustain high fields and high temperatures. 

In this way, Niezsche's NanoBalloons serve as a highly sensitive human energie variance detector. 

Because of Niezsche NanoBalloons small diameter, they're even safe for kids and infants in the respect that while brain chemistry is still cooking, babies can now clearly transmit natural messages via the Niezsche NanoBalloon App, exclusively available on iTunes...

Niezsche NanoBalloons

Coming to a store near you...

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