Thursday, November 10, 2011

The More the Merrier

It's not happy people who are thankful. 

It's thankful people who are happy. 

Large crowds laugh more than small ones. Just walk into an empty Starbucks and see how you feel...


There's a social multiplier that seems to brighten people's moods when they walk in the door - despite the long line. Visitors to a bustling, successful Starbucks are there to buy a frothy drink and leave, but they don't - they linger. 

People purposely go into Starbucks to "hang out," and I think one of the main reasons behind this, beyond their shared love of caffeine-spiked drinks, is that they delight in the lively scenario. Besides, who wants to hang out in a desolate, laughless environment? 

From a business perspective, it pays to promote a happy, friendly, laughter-filled environment, which undoubtedly results in increased sales and customer volume - not to mention, customer loyalty. 

*If I were an exec for Starbucks, I'd serve every drink with this heart-filled image served with a few humorous observations...

Promoting a happy, healthy heart of coffee... 

Nothing kills a good cup of Joe like a bad attitude...

 See you Latté...

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