Friday, August 12, 2011

Resourceful Kids

One day little Johnny asked his mother for a new bike. She replied, "At Christmas you send a letter to Santa to ask for what you want, don't you?" 

"Yes," Johnny answered, "but Christmas is months away and I don't want to have to wait that long." 

"Then why not send Jesus a letter and ask him?" 

Johnny sat down with a pen and paper and wrote...

"Dear Jesus, I've been a good boy and I would like a new bike. 
Your friend, Johnny." 

He read it over and didn't like it, so he wrote another letter...

"Dear Jesus, sometimes I'm a good boy and I would like a new bike. 
Your friend, Johnny." 

He thought awhile and decided he didn't like this one either. 

He left and went walking around, depressed, when he passed a house with a small statue of Mary in the front yard. 

He grabbed the statue and ran home. 

He hid the statue under his bed, sat down again with pen and paper and wrote...

"Dear Jesus, if you want to see your mother again, send me a new bike! 
Your friend, Johnny." 

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