Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Venusia, Island of Women


In honor of, 

International Women's Day

Journée internationale des femmes 

Let us journey to,

Venusia, the Island of Women, an island in the Atlantic, near the equator. The port of Venusia is on a river estuary and its entrance is marked by two colossal statues of women in their grace and splendor who seem to scan the sea, water lapping round their legs. 

The traveler will find entry to Venusia quite easy, as the port is almost always deserted. Beyond he estuary lies Fons Belli, the capital, a brightly coloured city with geometrically laid out streets. It is famed for its gardens and is believed to have been the favorite resort of Venus Victrix. 

It is encircled by water-gardens built along canals, where tropical plants grow, such as begonias and orchids, surround statues of goddesses, bacchantes and Amazons. 

Above the city rises a hill with many gardens and marble villas, surrounded by orange and lemon groves and topped by a bronze tower which supports four female statues carrying the golden image of a woman in an attitude of triumph. 

At her feet the inscription 


The city is divided into four concentric zones: the zones of temples, of domed buildings, of villas and gardens and of the streets around the port (Plebeana). Notable is the palace of the military leader, done in the style of a Greek temple, supported by slender columns on which are carved adolescent girls dancing and playing instruments. The artwork is so graceful that visitors say they can actually hear the music. 

Hanz Zatzka

The island is of volcanic origin, 

with a spinal chain of mountains and high pastures for sheep and cattle. There is only one active volcano and earthquakes are rare. Near Mount Astarte, famous for its sulphur and hot springs, is the city of Venus Genetrix, the City of Mothers, occupied by women and men selected for coupling. 

Arcadian Spring

Men belong to the State and are trained from an early age for various trades; they are then given to the women as an attendant. Each woman has between one and five attendants; high-ranking women have the better qualified men. Young women serve as soldiers before they become mothers and must remain virtuous during this period - those who break this law soon discover the error of their ways. 

The original settlers of Venusia were Spanish women whose galley was blown south into the Atlantic, during the reign of Hadrian. A society was established under the leadership of Julia Senecion, who organized the cult of Venus based on her displeasure with men. 

During two centuries, two rival tendencies developed: the "Masculines", who believed in the equality of the gendrs, and the "Venusians", convinced of female superiority and anxious to conquer the world. 

The Venusian civilization, in spite of many characteristics which have survived from Roman times (language, military organization), boasts an advanced science and technology. By 1788, aircraft, vehicles submarines and steamships were in use. Firearms, though invented over two centuries ago, are forbidden by law. 

Though Venusian is a language in itself, any traveler with a smattering of schoolboy Latin will be able to make himself understood. 

Cleopatra, testing poisons on Contemned Prisoners

ne whose heart has been laid bare before the eternal feminine energy is indelibly marked. Recognized only by what and where she is not; a fully realized experience held exclusively within yearns to be set free. In her purity and resplendence, she is the absolute experience of herself. Her nature runs free. All who commune with her are forever touched by the thrashing authenticity that purses through her veins. Hers is a place so utterly exclusive, it exceeds all comprehension. She is beyond what one thinks it is possible for a thing to be. In all her unique subtleties, in all her immensity, she is suspended, held in an idea that no longer exists. She is the penultimate journey of self-discovery, where the constitutive intellect finds its equal. Untouched by ennui, protected against the harshness of misconceived notions, where justice holds balance at bay; she holds a secret treasure. She glistens in hidden troves. She is the absolute experience, the pièce de résistance, the masterpiece, the magnum opus, the tour de force held within a memory. To explore her movements is to know intimately vigor and grace. We deem her courteous and good-natured. Behind the veil are the united efforts of energy and enthusiasm; both considered a relation of the other. At first blush, she differs in her expression. Her simple elegance and refinement of movement attract. She is polite. She has a talent for behaving in kind. She is the omnipotence of charm, beauty, and resplendent creativity, embodied in the ideals of beauty, mirth, and good cheer. She is a colossal figure, up to which Homer gazes in admiration. She is as mysterious as the Oracle of Delphi. She is youthful, beautiful, and closely self-embraced, enticingly dancing in a circle. She is the goddess of ancient love, from which charm arises. Delivered in the same tender fashion associated with grace, exists vigor. Marked by robustness, radiance, energy, and life; vitality, virility, verve, and spirit; zeal, passion, determination, dynamism - a force de vivre, he bows to her grace to quench his insatiable thirst for her high regard. Together they bestow a gift to one another in harmony with covetous endowment. The sentiment from this union which arises is a life plan, a pathway to maintain our equilibrium: a dynamic, ever-adjustable infatuation with the exigency of life. From her vantage we meet the challenges of survival, of creative passion, and higher destiny. She fosters within us the creative planning of human existence, the threads of deep discovery. As we extend ourselves outward in a creative force, in an ontogenesis of being, the Great Differentiator known as fervent feminine authenticity greets us. In her we recognize the measure of all things, the signifiers and justifiers of being, of continuous individual development, and of self-consistent personalities. We belong to her continuous flux in which interconnectedness, interrelations, and reciprocal predilections occur. Her stable elements maintain the bridge that connects us to the many shifts of identity, to those ideas that yield to frenzied states of being and becoming. Interpreting and giving meaning, whether silently or aloud, we find ourselves enraptured. Exploring the movements we deem pleasing, feelings of intense salacity arises. Transported in this sensory experience to a state of euphoria we acquiesce. When grace and elegance define our dignity of manner, when we are balanced in our co-participation, when our being is transported outside our circumstances and delivered somewhere between intent and direction, we recognize ourselves gently held and equally holding, alive and present. Behind the veil is ours alone. Immersed in a highly sensate world, we hold Psyche in our arms and ascend, safe from Venus, as the gods bow in eternal consent.

Based on:

Raymond Clauzel, L'Ile Des Femmes, Paris, 1922 ...

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