Saturday, January 18, 2014

An Epithalamion

The Lady (2013)

An Epithalamion 

Privileged locations
Aesthetic views
Taste for freedom
Refusing submission to rules

Colors in the sky
Tensions in minds
Freshness of the morning
Homage to life

Locus amoenus
Aural sensations
Secluded from the world
Pleasurable libations

A desirable retreat
Cupid and Venus present
Perfect intimacy
Allusions beget

Admiration of charms
A tender entice
Yielding to entreaties
Spirits ignite

A Wooer reassures
Shyness is sweet
Prelude to an afternoon
A fervent plea

Expectations ready
Subtle fusion
Celebrated under an epithalamion

Natural pleasures
Impressionist touches
Beauty and virtue
Willing brushes

Tame the waters
Cool the characters
Do not disturb
Ethereal figures

Wild creatures roaming
Symbols of essence
Natural contrasts
Moments of presence

Fecund memories
Reflected in union
Celebrated in an Ode
A poetic communion


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