Friday, January 24, 2014

Alice in the Marais

"Curiouser and curiouser,"

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

thought Alice to herself as she stumbled across BHV's floating numbers...

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

"Where shall I go in the Marais today?"

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there. 

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

"I guess I could go back to yesterday, 

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh


Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

I can't go back to yesterday. I'm already at today.

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

I suppose I could write about the History of the Marais

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh


Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

I prefer to focus on the adventures first. 
Explanations take such a dreadful amount of time out of one's day."

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

Alice had gotten so used to expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and grey for life to go on in any other way.

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

So, she decided to sit for a spell
writing a forward memory
instead of a backwards one...

Photo credit: ©Soph Laugh

"The question is," asked Alice, 
"How many meanings can you make out of words?"

Soph Laugh

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