Thursday, March 7, 2013

Quantum Dishwasher

Utilizing regular dishwashers costs the world millions of dollars due to the high costs of heating water. In addition, the money spent on costly, as well as harmful dishwasher soaps, costs us in more ways than just at the grocery store checkout line. 

The chemicals in dishwashing soap can be poisonous or cancerous, can contribute to genetic problems and asthma, and may also cause skin irritation. Also, chemicals used in dish soap contaminate our water supply when they wash down the drain; they also decimate fish populations and contribute to excess algae in water.  

Fortunately, it is theoretically possible to build a Quantum Dishwasher, saving ourselves and the world from the harmful effects of antiquated cleaning devices, such as those associated with the traditional methods of washing dirty dishes, i.e., the modern-day dishwasher. 


A quantum dishwasher would work by programming in a predefined set of variables utilizing binary code in a way that defines 0 = clean, and 1 = dirty, so that when a dish is placed inside, its bits would be recognized as either 0 or 1; a 1 would indicate that an undefined material particle exists, which would then signal a low level laser to vitrify those particles, instantly transforming food waste into vitrified glass pellets. 

When asking theoretical quantum physicists what they thought of my son's Quantum Dishwasher idea, they said that it was highly probable that a quantum dishwasher would be able to distinguish dirty from clean dishes at the level of the elementary particle. Since nearly all bits are registered by the positions and velocities of protons, electrons, and so forth; a quantum dishwasher would most probably be able to interact with dirty dishes on a larger scale, which would register that information and then, according to this design, send a signal to a low level laser to perform a vitrification-like process. 

Programmed with a predefined set of laws that constitute a "clean dish," a quantum dishwasher would be able to register specific details that in turn compute a dish as either "clean" or "dirty";  this information would then be sent to a low level laser, which could emit a specified set of wavelengths required to essentially "loosen" the dirty particles from the dishes causing them to fall to the bottom of the quantum dishwasher where they would be collected in a convenient tray. 

These tiny glass pellets could then be easily removed from the tray and sent to a recycling center where the pellets could be transformed into micro fuel cells that would power devices like your iPad or, eventually, your entire household. 

The glass pellets the Quantum Dishwasher could produce would essentially become a long-lasting, low-cost, eco-friendly power source for portable electronic devices, such as tablet computers, smart phones, and remote sensors; eventually replacing the battery. 

A Quantum Dishwasher would save us from washing dirty dishes as well as from the harmful effects associated with our current dishwashing methods. Just imagine an eco-friendly way to turn unsightly crumbs into a new source of clean energy. 

The idea for a Quantum Dishwasher was first proposed to me by my 14-year old son, Bo Erik. 


  1. Great idea! I want one.

    Thanks Bo Erik for thinking of this.
