Saturday, January 12, 2013

Steampunk Statue of 2013

Steampunk Statue of 2013

At Paris the XIII day of January...

The statutis ordinanceis to be obseruit be all the maister steampunkers within this realme, Sett doun be Soph Laugh, Maister of Steampunk Wark, to the European Union And generall Wardeine of the said craft, with the consent of the maisteris efter specifeit. 

Item, first that thay obserue and keip all the gude ordinanceis sett doun of befoir concernyng the priviligeis of thair Craft be thair predicesso of gude memorie, And specialie 

That thay be trew ane to ane vther and leve cheritablie togidder as becumis sworne brether and sester and companeounis of craft. 

Item, that thay be helpful to thair fellow maisteris in all thingis concernyng thair craft. 

Item, that they be honest, faithfull, and diligent in thair calling, and deill uprichtile w' the maisteris that they sail tak vuoun hand, be it in task, meit, & fie. 

Item, that name tak vpoun hand ony wark gritt or small quhilk thay have no' abill to performe qualifetlie vnder the pane of fine or ellis the fourt pairt of the worth and valor of the said wark, and that by and attor ane condigne amendis and satisfactioun to be maid to the maister of the wark at the discretioun of the generall Wardene, or in thair absence at the sycht of the wardeneis and maisteris of the quhair the said wark is interprisit and wrocht. 

For more, inquire within. 

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