Thursday, December 27, 2012

That Time Again

It's that time of year again when most of us are thinking about building time machines. As the new year approaches, we focus day and night on the paradoxes in classical mechanics and the possibilities in quantum physics.

But this year's a little different, you see, this year we're thinking about time traveling from a whole new vantage point - from within our cognitive landscape. That's right, this year we're traveling through our mind's eye back to a time when we were younger, giving ourselves expert advice as well as a bouquet of quality skin care products. 

Then, a twist. We convince ourselves that never did more than a day pass when we didn't employ our skincare regime, never did more than a day pass when we didn't exercise, never did more than a day pass when we didn't edify ourselves with culture and classical learning. 

Instantly, we feel a tingle of vibrating particles emerge from within us, overtaking our senses, gripping our very essence. We stumble to the mirror and look upon ourselves - transformed. Not externally, mind you, but internally. We notice that the machette lines on our forehead have softened, the valleys lining our cheeks have filled in, and the sparkle by which we know ourselves is back. 

We have thought ourselves into a healthier state. We have traveled within the confines of our mind, reaching deep into our cells and rejuvenating them. Time travel isn't about our grandfather. Time travel is about us, about reconstituting ourselves into the best version of ourselves. 

Emerging from this thought experiment we realize that we can meticulously copy enhanced reproductions of ourselves upon ourselves by merely conceiving it so. The improved reproductions exist because they are copied from our thoughts, and the thoughts exist because they are copied from the reproductions in our minds. 

Unlike classical mechanics, which is filled with contradictions, there is something very freeing with quantum-like thinking. It purports to give us the reproductions of ourselves without anyone else having to expend thought in creating them - a kind of philosopher's "free lunch." 

Persuaded by possibility, we think ourselves back to the future again, this time with sufficient acceleration to violate only the limitations of our thinking, to distinguish between fact and fiction, and to raise such thoughts such as those contained herein. 

Like I say, it's that time again... when we're all thinking about building a time machine. If you lack the resources (quantum computer, nanoproduction facility, ingenuity, advanced working knowledge of mechanics and physics) to build your own time machine, you can always hop on your bicycle and ride down memory lane crafting more positive outcomes to past events, and then thinking about all the things you're going to put on your New Year's Resolution list this year that you will actually achieve, and then bask a moment or two in that future. 

We travel through time in our minds nearly every moment of the day. Why we don't travel back in our own minds and heal the ills, I do not know. Why we don't travel ahead to the pleasant outcome of today's labors, escapes me, too. 

It is for this reason that I wrote this silly, nonsensical post. To distort space-time connections within our minds back to the realm of our minds where we actually have complete control over the internal material resources with which we're naturally endowed. 

Bon Voyage! 

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