Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dr. Sticky Presents: The Adhesive Property of Thoughts

Dr. Sticky Presents
The Adhesive Property of Thoughts

If we assume that a thought is an object, we can further presume that the object has properties or certain characteristics. Imagine if you will, a brain coral. Diploria labryinthiformis is a species of brain coral, so-named because of its appearance. Inside the coral live a single-celled symbiotic algae within its cells. Let's call them particles. Corals are very sensitive to environmental changes, or fluctuations in particle distribution or location. Basically, when particles move (inside or around) the brain coral, it is affected, thus shifting its appearance from a form of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) to calcite as its particles use up energie.

If you think about the particles that are enclosed within the cells of this brain coral, so too can you image quantum particles existing in a host environment. Whether by property or characteristic these particles are "sticky," we can assume they must stick together to create larger particle agreements, such as a conscious thought all the way to a 2-dimensional object. 

At the sub-atomic level, particles look like little round lights that vibrate within a lattice-like space. At certain, cyclical intervals they combine together and protrude outward. This appears to be the first embers of a thought. 


Like the Diploria labyrinthiformis, thoughts cluster together to form colonies, with their skeletons (corallums) becoming 2D objects. These 2D objects are the structures that protrude out into various forms, depending upon the position of the particle or what we would call "type of thought."

This makes one wonder whether the particles themselves have properties which allow them to "stick" or behave adhesively - forming colonies - or whether they (the properties) simply provide the energie or fuel for the existing lattice. Of course, the particles when combined with the lattice could emit a chemical or otherwise quantum-like signal in the form of a wave, which directs the flow of the particles coexistence toward the protrusions, which as mentioned above, seem for form in cyclically repeating patterns.

Golden Ratio Spiral

Let's consider, initially, that the particles bring with them properties (more likely, the combination of the lattice and the particles have properties that when combined create what we would call thought). If the particles, presumably, arrive to the lattice fully energized or charged with energie, we will presume that energie has a further characteristic, which would account for the myriad of thoughts, objects, and phenomena in the world. The characteristic of this particle, as described, would be one that adheres or bonds items together. Again, it could be the combination of the lattice and particle together that create this characteristic. 

In human concepts, the oldest known adhesive was utilized dating back to 200,000 BC, birch-bark-tar gluing spear stone flakes to wood (Italy). Later, at Sibudu Cave, evidence of heat-treated mixed compounds used to glue objects together was found. However, we're talking subatomic or - this universe - type of thing, so we're going back to the first moment after our Big Bang. 

As these particles or thoughts left over from other lattice work collided in a great cosmic evolutionary reset button, they found their way back to each other (whilst creating new combinations) once again.  

So, if these particles are already precoded with information as well as possessing characteristics as a direct result of that information - presuming information is absorption of energie - let's assume it's "sticky". 

Coming full circle, it makes sense in our worldview because from our perspective (being that of self-conscious joined particles in a specific location on the lattice grid), thoughts become tangible when they evolve into actions, words, objects, or concepts. It's like we're a left-over thought of ourself, which was previously thought into existence, which means we exist in all spaces just unassembled or unbonded. 

If, instead, we consider that the lattice emits a chemical or otherwise quantum-like signal in the form of a wave, which directs the flow of the particles' coexistence in the form of clustered protrusions found in cyclically repeating patterns, then we can assume that thoughts are not created from particles but are instead product or thought fossils, like the corallum (skeleton) of the brain coral. This is the "tangible" aspect of this phenomena. So, like the protrusions that appear on the brain coral, so too can our existence (and any other tangible object) in the universe be considered: a fossil of a previously considered 'thought' that is born into the world, changes form, and expands with newly acquired energie or information (or particles absorbed from other points along its neighboring two-dimensional lattice, which is affected by other dimensions or by the properties of its bond or adhesion) until it contracts when coming close, hypothetically speaking, to running out of fuel or energie. 

Note: skeletons have less mass than bodies, this might account for the phenomenon of particles that float around objects. It would appear that there are more particles creating a chair than those which are needed to create it in visible two-dimensional space. The chair exists as an after-after thought - we see the contraction of a thought, which resembles what we call 'a chair' - eventually decaying or releasing all the energie left in the skeleton without further consideration (thought and action) to maintain or restore it (by adding in new material).

For those of you wondering, this is how Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect were able to become chairs in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. 

Next: Did Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect, at the same exact moment they were released from the Volgons, imagine themselves existing as chairs? Did the Volgons discard them like furniture and thus think into existence their becoming chairs? Did they previously exist as a chair and in the transition of being picked up as hitchhikers, somehow momentarily revert to a prior incarnation as a chair? 

These questions and more lead one to presume that we can think a thought into existence or an object into existence (circumstance, experience, encounter, etc.) simply by sending enough particles in that direction to reassemble into a larger colony or bond. Given the example in this post, it would seem that we can think anything into existence given enough energie and intent. 

Again, this is thought that has yet to develop into a post... stay tuned for when it does. 

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