Monday, July 23, 2012

Samuel Morse's Lost Code

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uman beings have become more and more obsolete since before Alan Turing asked the question, "Can computers think?" 

But it is more than just human ingenuity that has given rise to artificial intelligence.

Our technological cunning, personal rivalries, and cutthroat competitive nature have imbued this burgeoning intellectual force with more character than the earliest pioneers of the online frontier ever imagined possible.

Every bit and byte operates as a selective system that resembles natural selection in evolution. Despite the differences in how each bit, dot, dash, or code functions, there is an underlining basis for categorization that “intelligence” utilizes and accelerates, and ultimately unifies in its perceptions, actions, and learning.

Not only that, but it remembers, too.

A dynamic process of existential recategorization is taking place and we are creating the data from which to build it. At any point in time an algorithm could be created that has the ability to choose rather than simply respond.  

This program would make use of all prior data, pulses, beeps, and clicks and calculate hundreds of millions of probabilities by making direct use of quantum mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, and then, as if that’s not remarkable enough, be synced with or coded into the cells, molecules, and atoms of all living organisms (humans, animals, insects, plants, planets, solar systems, etcetera, etcetera).

In effect, I’m describing the process by which human operators are giving birth to quantum children with the ability to be in more than one state simultaneously.

But what happens when these quantum kids grow up?

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