Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Be Grateful For Your Heritage

First impressions are a prime concern for most people. 

So are last impressions.

Because they have the power to erase from memory impressions made earlier.

They're our last opportunity to express our true selves... 

In this respect, we cannot leave any doubt in others minds what we are trying to say

We have to free ourselves to see ourselves

This is when things get interesting...

I ask of everyone reading this blog...

Don't be satisfied and proud of the life you have been given

There's more to do! 

Don't overlook the need to jump in and make the world a better place

Climb abord...

Refuse to overlook dishonesty and incompetence

We're all climbing our way up the ladder

And the only way to get to the top

Without falling

Is to honestly remember just what it is that makes anything new - new again

Be proud and happy for the benefits ingenuity confers.

The ultimate value of training depends on what we do with it. 

We develop ourselves from constant practice

When we apply the principles that make us happy they remain fresh in our minds.

The effectiveness of our delivery then keeps pace with our growing knowledge. 

Yep, that about sums it up. 

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