Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Happy Face Life

I was born happy into this world 

My parents said that the earth moved the day I arrived
and took on a distinctively happy glow

I grew up swinging in the park
surrounded by other happy friends
who enjoyed sharing my big smiles

As a kid, I rocked happy

This is my sister
She is my best friend
I respect her "girl" stuff
She respects my "guy" stuff
And we both like traveling, music, movies & technology

She gives me great advice on hairstyles
so I don't look "dorky" 

This is our cat, Calie
She's a little crazy
but we like her that way! 

Once I got a little sick
I looked like this...
(but I never lost my smile)

One day, my parents put me in a fancy school
Where they tried to put me in a box

Fortunately, my parents are like Indiana Jones in their work
So, we left and went back to our adventures...

Our adventures have taken us to many exotic lands

Where we have met many fun and interesting people

I make friends easily
Happy is contagious!

My friends call me
The Captain of Happy

Happy is my heritage

When I grow old
I will enjoy thinking about all my happy moments
and tell my grandkids many happy stories
and even make new ones

My name is Happy
And these are my many Happy Faces


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