Friday, March 23, 2012

Humor According to Sophy



adjective (sophlier, sophliest)
  • philosophical definition of humor, as expressed by Sophy M. Laughing, Ph.D.: that is a clever and sophlyyoung woman
  • skilled at recognizing true humor or achieving humorous status: she acted quite sophly in getting to the root of humor
  • showing brilliance or skill: ingenious: a simple yetsophly understanding of the true nature of humor
  • [usu. with negative] dated, informal: sensible; well-advised: it wasn't too sophly of you to ever believe that tragedy, packaged humorously, was ever humor, which is an inherently adaptive device that can be applied to tragedy or to celebration. 

The ambiguity in how we define "humor" causes confusion as to how a joke should be categorized, further compounding the uncertainty about why some jokes fail to elicit genuine laughter. 

While laughter has been the historical barometer as to whether or not a joke was funny, negative humor should not be automatically categorized with positive humor just because someone laughs. 

Humor applied to tragedy shifts the realism of it into an extreme metaphysical truth, comically confronting the end of life or the sadness associated with loss and despair.

Applying humor to tragedy doesn't make tragedy humor, nor does it make tragedy funny; it simply utilizes humor as a device to communicate a tragic message. 

 Negative humor causes us to question whether something will happen or more precisely, whether it is worthwhile in the first place. 

Negative humor is pessimism about the future. 

Negative humor is the purposeful expression of an opposite for humorous or emphatic effect.

Negative humor is insulting, abusive, or highly critical language. 

Negative humor references dramatic or tragic concepts, such as those in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of the character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader but unknown to the character. 

Negative humor is quick and inventive verbal humor, similar to irony in the respect that the speech is usually directed at an individual rather than an object.

Negative humor utilizes ambiguous language or prevaricates to conceal the truth. 

Negative humor utilizes comedic applications of tragic humor such as irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices. 

Negative humor is contemptuous in nature and uses scorn and sarcasm to deliver a concealed message rather than emphasizing achievement, delight, joy, happiness, pride, success, or satisfaction, as is commonly expressed in positive humor. 

Positive humor or humor applied to celebration steers us toward happiness in a delightful and engaging way. 

Focusing on celebration improves our mood and allows us to reach our highest potential. 

Positive Humor utilizes concise or terse statements to express an idea.

Historically, positive humor was used as military jargon for means of efficiency, for philosophical reasons (Stoic minimalism) or to reference scientific principles as an aid in defensive strategy. 

Early Positive Humor developed into dry wit or "laconic humor," which contrasted with the refined, poignant, delicate humor of Athenian "Attic salt" or "Attic wit" (prestigious dialect spoken in Attica). 

Hippocrates' - Life is show, art long, opportunity fleeting, experience deceptive, judgment difficult - is an example of this type of humor, which later evolved into maxims that utilize the same concise, cleverly and pithily delivered language to express a subjective truth or observation. 

Positive Folkloric Humor utilizes the traditional beliefs, customs, and stories to describe and transmit valuable information to a community as a tool for adaption and survival. Positive Folkloric Humor, therefore, consists of legends, music, oral, history, proverbs, jokes, popular beliefs, fairy tales, theologies, and customs that attempt to "preserve" the community as an aesthetic unit. 

Positive Maxims are short, pithy statements expressing a general truth or rule of conduct that developed from an austere application of adaption and survival. 

Positive Maxims were concisely expressed subjective principles of behavior intended to motivate people. 

Positive Mot pour rire's are "complimentary" expressions that acknowledge an individual who evokes humor irrespective of the circumstance, tragedy or celebration. It is the humorous epitome of acknowledgement and adaptation verbally expressed. "That was a hoot," and "You crack me up!" are English examples of the French expression "Tu a toujours le mot pour rire" (you always have a funny thing to say). 

Positive Humor Parables are succinct stories, delivered in prose or verse that illustrate one or more instructive principles or lessons. They differ from fable in that fables use animals, plants, inanimate objects, and forces of nature as characters, while parables generally feature human characters. Positive Humor Parables, as a device, use a prescriptive subtext suggestion indicating how a person should behave or believe, while providing guidance and suggestions for proper action in life. Positive Humor Parables generally refer to any fictive illustration that might naturally occur, by which spiritual and moral matters may be conveyed. Positive Humor Parables "teach" an abstract argument, using a concrete narrative, which is more easily grasped, for the "benefit of the community" as an aesthetic unit. 

Positive Plaisanteries are inconsequential remarks made as part of "polite" conversation that often times result in a laugh at ones own "pleasantry". Positive Plaisanteries include cultural bandinages and witty conversations about art and life. The energie is light in mood, and is structured like a fast gavotte dance, sharing the same energie as the rigaudon, a lively, French, baroque, folk dance for couples. 

Some historical Positive Plaisanteries include "Jamais tu ne sommes plus heureux que quand nos plaisanteries sont rire la bonne" (Never are we as happy as when our jokes result in laughter from the good) by Jules Renard; 

"Quand on observe la nature, on y découvre les plaisanteries dune ironic supérieure" (When you observe truth in nature, there you discover the pleasantries of superior irony) by Honore de Balzac;  

and "Tant qu'on fait rire, c'est des plaisanteries. Dès que c'est pas droll, c'est des insultes" (As long as we laugh, they're jokes. As soon as it's not funny, they're insults) by Coluche. 

Positive Proverbial Humor consists of short, pithy sayings that are concise as they are forceful in their expression. Existing since ancient times, the Book of Proverbs or the "Proverbs of Solomon" were wise sayings in the context of transmitting knowledge for the benefit of ones own household, royal setting, or house of learning. 

Positive Proverbial Humor offered "advice for successful living" and was ostensibly written as a legacy for the "benefit of offspring or future generations." 

Positive Wit Humor is the aptitude for using words and ideas in a quick and inventive way to invoke humor.

Positive Wit Humor utilizes intelligence, shrewdness, astuteness, cleverness,sophlyness, common sense, wisdom, sagacity, judgment, acumen, insight, savvy, or what is called "street smarts" as a repartee, bandinage, banter, or wordplay. Puns fall under the category of humorously applied positive wit, much like comedy falls under the category of applied humor. 

Like parables, Positive Wit Humor makes something already said or referenced clearer. 

Categorizing the many forms humor, as a device, can serve, allows us to freely choose the messages we intend to deliver as we explore the heights of the humor scale and expand our definition and understanding of what makes something funny - or not. 

[Science] There are a number of neural mechanisms associated with the biological bases of sophism and the effects of positive interventions on the brain. 

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