Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Creative Suffering

The Center for Creative Suffering
Welcomes You

At The Center for Creative Suffering, we believe that survivors have the right to teach others how to suffer. We are honored to be part of the suffering journey. 

The Center for Creative Suffering's mission is to offer those who have not suffered or who feel they have not suffered enough and their loved ones opportunities for suffering through indifference, intentional disregard, and refusal to take notice. The Center for Creative Suffering provides expensive and counterintuitive services, a beyond messed-up staff, and an environment guaranteed to rattle your cage and confidence in a public forum. 

The 3 most important things to remember 


It is Always YOUR FAULT 

Suffering is The Creative Way 

of Living with PAIN

This is a joke! 
This is not an endorsement for suffering. 
This is humor emerging from a painful experience. 
I'm pretty soft hearted and when I see so many friends and family members suffering it feels like an "owwwweeeee" for me too!

Sending love to all my friends and family who have suffered 

Dedicated to all those people who are suffering in the world today... 

Get Well Soon! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dr. Lee O'Martin!

    Happy St. Patty's Day

    Sophy of The Wheeler Clan...

    Wheeler is occupational and in former times described a master wheel-maker or wheelwright. The derivation is from the pre 7th century Olde English word 'hweogol' or 'hweol', meaning a wheel.

    The surname first appears in records in the mid 13th century with John le Whelare being recorded in the Subsidy Rolls of Worchestershire in 1275, whilst the Hundred Rolls of Cambridgeshire in 1279 mentions Hugh le Welere.

    Thomas le Wegheler appeared in the tax rolls known as the Feet of Fines of Sussex in 1284, and one Stephen le Whelere was listed in the Feet of Fines of Sussex in 1317, with Gilbert Whyler being recorded in the pipe rolls of Surrey in 1351.

    Sir Hugh Massy Wheeler (1789 - 1857) rose to the rank of major-general in the Indian Army, who died during the Indian Mutiny of 1857.

    The first recorded spelling of the family name is shown to be that of Roger le Weweler. This was dated 1249, in the occupation lists for the county of Sussex, during the reign of King Henry III, 1216 - 1272.

    My grandfather hailed from this unique family tree.
