Saturday, February 11, 2012

Humor Speak


Humorous speech is wildly believed to be the missing link in normality's upbeat evolutionary cycle. The brain cavity of Modern Interhumanoids (Internet = Humanoid) demands endless entertainment from single-celled Internet pixels to the various incarnations of homo sapiens. Humor is the concomitant hysterical physical enhancement to any evolved form of speech. Call it: Progress Ludicrous. 

As Farcical As They Come

The wheel's not spinning because Sophy superglued toys to it! 

Body by Mattel, brains by Fisher 

So dense at times, light bends around her jokes. 

Warming: Objects in blog are funnier than they appear. 

Warning: Typo's happen (often)!

Sitting too close to the screen will cause you to laugh harder. 

A few clowns short of a circus. 

A few fries from a kid's Happy Meal never hurt anyone! 

A skinny taco on a combination plate! 

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