Saturday, December 3, 2011

Positive Thought Experiments

Positive thought experiments are hypothetically-imagined situations in the laboratory of the mind that allow you to depict something positive and then experience the feelings or energie associated with it. 

My mornings begin with these fanciful musings, a few of which find their way into my blog. I feel a little like a 1920s Newsie passing out free cookies with the morning paper. Sure, there's plenty to report on, but the only messages that make it to the stands are the ones that can be presented in the most positive ink possible. 

You might ask, "what about the negative news stories?" To which I'll point you in the direction of the multi-media news giants and their advertisers, who benefit from our stuffy noses, insecurities, and concerns about the world. 

There's only one Special Interest story here and that's my sincere belief that we benefit from positivity. Simple as that. There's a growing public opinion that 'life is hard' but it doesn't have to be. Undeniably, there is much oppression in the world, but that is not the focus of this blog. I write this blog to entertain myself. I am thrilled that in doing so I entertain others. I take delight in positivity and those of you who want to share in that with me are invited to visit as often as you like. 

I take responsibility for what I am thinking and for what thoughts I allow into my mind. I focus on positive literature and humor and believe that a few silly lines and cartoons have more transformational power than the analysis of split second flash negativity. 

When I encounter a negative thought, it's this focused awareness on the positive that allows me to repel it. I don't focus on what I am not or what I cannot do. Instead, I am a humor archaeologist uncovering positivity wherever I can find it. 

Positive thought experiments wipe the slate clean of negativity in your environment. And while negativity still can arise, this positive magic wand when waved over any thought can help you sort out what is important so you can focus on what really matters. 

We can only have one thought at a time and I, for one, want to make it a good one!

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