Friday, December 16, 2011

Good on You, Mark Zuckerberg!

Hey Mark! 

I am thoroughly enjoying the new Facebook Timeline app! I love the friendliness of my new FB page, the bigger than life images of my photos, posts, and friends. 

You know, if you think that someone's doing something good, it's important to say it! So, good on you, dude! 

To tell you the truth, I think it's important to everyone's well being that we think good thoughts about ourselves AND others. To look for the good in what everyone does. To cheer ourselves onto greater success! This way, all the good energie in those positive thoughts diffuse and travel along to the people putting forth the effort, ultimately helping them achieve their dreams that much easier. In this respect, we all win!  

All I can say is that despite some public critique, you're obviously appreciated by a whole lot of people on this planet. I don't think I'm alone in my sentiment. We're really glad you came along and gave us all a really cool community sandbox to play in! Sometimes it takes time for me to figure out how to work the new updates, but that's the novelty of using Facebook. Serious business here, this Timeline app, in my opinion, is your best upgrade ever! 


Sophy Laughing

(P.S. If you get a moment, FB thinks my name is a joke and would only allow Soph Laugh. HAHAHA! If you get a moment, could ya take care of that for me? Thanks MUCHO!) :D

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