Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Magic in a Bottle

Just in time for Christmas 

Sophy Laughing, Inc.
Proudly announces 
the release of an ancient 
wrinkle cream miracle 
Sophy's Homemade 
Magickal Mayonnaise

Sophy's homemade Magickal Mayonnaise comes in a variety of flavors

Sophy's Magickal Mayonnaise is filled to the rim with goodness thanks to the botulinum toxin, created by the botulism bacteria, the secret, active ingredient in our mayonnaise. 

A million times more *powerful than plutonium, the botulinum toxin ensures that those pesky fine lines and wrinkles will magically disappear with the blink of an eye. 

Sophy Laughing isn't just the creator of Magickal Mayonnaise
She's a customer, too! 


Note the laugh lines around 
Sophy's LARGER THAN LIFE smile! 

All the laugh lines and personality magickally disappear!

 Just rub Sophy's Magickal Mayonnaise and some fresh fruit ALL OVER YOUR your face for a beautiful, healthy, vibrant wrinkle-free glow!

 Sophy's Magikal Mayonnaise

Proudly brought to you today by 
Sophy's Kamikaze Bunnies 

*By powerful, we mean lethal.


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