Friday, September 9, 2011

Bummer Theater

Hello! ...and welcome to another episode of 
Bummer Theater...
Where every week, something else that's not so good happens...

I'm your host 
 . . .
Last week, on Bummer Man...

Accidents happen...

Get over it...

The Bad News Lady reported that...

 Everybody's accounts on Facebook were hacked...

If you need to reset your password

 . . .

The world's most famous Internet Guru 
was found guilty of fraud 

Google announced their newest 
social networking platform
Face It! 

At Face It, millions of people can "unfriend" you 
and you can "unfriend" them! 

Documentary Dude released his newest film

a sequel to...

 Meanwhile, at the North Pole
Santa Claus quit... 

Our show tonight was brought to you by 
Bird Droppings, Inc. 

We'll get ya' in the end...

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