Tuesday, July 19, 2011

You Know Your Enlightened When...

Never underestimate our shared ability to invent and adapt...

You know you're enlightened when....

The journey of a thousand miles kicks off your morning To-Do List...

You don't complain when Winnie the Pooh reached the Tao before you did...

Your response to the request for evidence lies in "Nothingness" 

The Noosphere gives new meaning to Nothingness...

You use Google Translate to read the "Source Mirror" 

You've actually read spiritual scriptures instead of Googling quotes from them...

The people you encounter are enlightened, too... 

You rejoice at the multitude of journey's that lead to enlightenment...

You light-up incents, candles, and herbal treatments on a daily basis...

You don't think your journey was the only way to enlightenment...

Everything about you is quiet except for your laugh...

You don't need to tell people you're enlightened for them to believe it...

You start a new life journey shortly after reaching Nirvana...

"Let's play again!" becomes your mantra

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