Sunday, July 10, 2011

To Swear or Not To Swear

When it comes to swearing, it's not just comedians adding emphasis to their acts, even the guru's are in on it - though, admittedly, they prefer to let us fill in the blanks. Isn't that just like a bleeping guru! ...they never give a straight answer to questions like What is this nothingness you speak of? And, If we're all connected, why's my neighbor such an a**hole?

Swearing, even in our totally modern, hip, go-with-the-flow socially globalistic community still has a taboo surrounding it, not to mention the fact that it's an evangelical hot-button. But it does have a power and energy to it. While I have admittedly rattled off a few doosies in my time, cursing is like reading an email in ALL CAPS. There's something very BIG and very LOUD about it. I suppose if you just want to be heard, cursing does the trick. But if you really want to be heard, whispering works like a charm. Of course, whispering into an open mike at a comedy club might result in the throwing of fresh produce.

I roll with laughter at the antics of many comedians, including those who use curse words to add emphasis to what they're saying. But sometimes, cursing just to curse seems rather unimaginative, not to mention, unintelligent. I think it's a bit of a tightrope walk, if you're not careful, you can lose your balance - and your audience. 

With respect to my personal taste, I prefer ideas that are fresh, that offer a unique perspective, that invite you to find the funny in places you never thought it could dwell. 

From what I can tell, many people are still reluctant to laugh at socially disrespectful subjects, such as religion, but when presented, for example, in a chart focused on profit-margins, I think the economic realities of certain spiritual practices speak for themselves - no cursing required (unless, of course, you invested in one of these schemes, in which case, the 2nd chart may be for you).

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