Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sophy's FUNsational Inner Child Daycare


Welcome to Sophy's FUNsational 
Inner Child Daycare Center! 

Life gotcha down? Is your job boring?  Are you resisting a rest?  Do you feel like you haven't had enough fun in your life? Have most of your friends grown-up and moved away? Do you still like to play with others? If you've answered "Yes" to any of these questions, then you're in luck! 

Sophy's FUNsational Inner Child Daycare  
is now Open for business! 

At Sophy's FUNsational Inner Child Daycare, you can connect to all your friends on Facebook from our multi-media center.

Are you a workaholic? Do you suffer from boredom and spiritual deprivation? At Sophy's FUNsational Inner Child Daycare we believe that 'no fun' is inner child abuse. So, relax, kick-back, and get ready to spend your day finger-painting, drawing, or making Shrinky Dinks and paper airplanes.
Are you concerned about what your friends will say? Don't worry. You're not having a mid-life crisis, it's just intermission! At Sophy's FUNsational Inner Child Daycare, you'll learn how to examine the first act of your life and prepare for the second one. While some inner children feel a sense of "stage fright" when thinking about their future, here at Sophy's FUNsational Inner Child Daycare, we aim to heal!  

In our Little Me Actor's Circle the main character in your life is YOU! Our professional script writers, inspired by the movie, BiG, will help you craft your own Super-Powered Script to take home and act out! After attending Sophy's FUNsational Inner Child Daycare, you'll once again be the STAR of your own LIFE! 
From bike riding to video games, to nature walks and Scooby Doo marathons, we've got something for everyone. Do you have an inner hypnotherapist clambering to emerge? Imagine spending the afternoon making emotionally intelligent finger puppets!

What about the inner engineer? No worries, you'll feel right at home in our napkin room where you can sketch out your latest inventions! From rockets to space stations or iPad applications, you can draw them all here!

If you're one of those enlightened inner city kids who is working toward Nirvana in your big kid life, then we've got a nice, cozy 'Nothing Center' that is fully-equipped with nothing but blank paper and molding clay. That's right!  No matter what problem you have, in our 'Nothing Center' you can spend the day ignoring it completely. And when you're tired of that, we've got pocket-sized Buddha's available to play with in our "Non-idol worship" circle. 
At Sophy's FUNsational Inner City Daycare the choice is yours! Just imagine how refreshed you'll feel after a day inundated with inner child activities and opportunities. Join today and you'll receive a pair of rose-colored glasses absolutely FREE! 

Four out of five metaphysicians recommend Sophy's FUNsational Inner Child Daycare
as the best way to rise above whatever is bringing you down...

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