Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Laugh Therefore I Am

With the appropriate commentary, humor's everywhere. Parable's with panache, each joke becomes a simple lesson for everyday living, a mirror of the human condition. 

What could be funnier? 

From a wall in a physics department grafitied with, "Heisenberg may have been here," to a fifteen hundred year old book of fables made famous by an Indian monk named Gunavrddhi, humor enriches our understanding of ourselves. 

"Nothing breaks apart dualism and sanctimoniousness like a good laugh!"
     Enkyo O'Hara Sensei

The Reverend Sangha Suna originally compiled Sakyamuni Buddha's teachings in Sanskrit before they were translated into Chinese or English, hundreds of years later. Irrespective of the many translations or interpretations of the meaning of the stories, they speak more humorously about our shared humanity than any universal one-liner ever could. 

Being able to laugh at ourselves in our own languages is how, despite appearances, we as a species unite. We don't always agree on ideology, faith, or even philosophy. Our geographical inheritance assures us a different viewpoint on history. We dress differently, speak differently, and act differently. But, no matter the disparity, we are still, somehow, indistinguishable from one another in our shared ability to sense humor. It's unilaterally the most human aspect of our species, without which we'd be automatons. 

The 100 Sutras is actually ninety-eight sutras with a prologue and epilogue that add up to one hundred. In this treasure of 100 fables are the stories that inspire recognition within our selves. 

Fools are so remarkably unwise that they only exist in fables. Thanks to them, however, we can laugh at ourselves by laughing at others. "Rare is the person who is completely foolish. In fact, a complete fool is almost impossible to find, and therefore, should be treasured." 

Unicity is the fact that we exist recognized by the fact we all do. Face to face, we realize we are all creating this world, that we can experience what we choose. And while we have to navigate the thresholds of form and energy, we, at the same time, create new forms and new energies which seem impossible looking forward and unbelievable looking back. 

It's always the experience of looking, both backyard and forward, that is so damn funny. We take breaks, we get serious, but we can only take it for so long until something builds up within us and we have to punch ourselves to deliver the punchline. The hit packs quite a punch, but the healing brings the greatest sighs of relief. Things lighten up again and we laugh. 

Every mirror we discover opens our minds as to how the universe is displaying each and every foible and folly right before our eyes. We don't have to look for them in a book. From our interactions with others to the stories we hear of people we've never met anywhere but in our own minds, laughter emerges as each page of life unfolds. The world becomes funnier. We become funnier. 

100 fables = 100 days = 100 ways to laugh at myself. 

Not a bad way to spend one's day. 

Today, was day one. 

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